Tsunami-alarm na beving Nieuw-Zeeland

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Gestart door Mrkos, zo 13 nov 2016 - 13:15

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CHRISTCHURCH - Na een zware aardbeving op het Zuidereiland van Nieuw-Zeeland die in grote delen van het land is gevoeld, is er een tsunamiwaarschuwing afgegeven.

Volgens plaatselijke media was er een beving met een kracht van 6,6. Het Amerikaanse geologische instituut USGS meldde een kracht van 7,4. De beving was op grote diepte en bijna 100 kilometer verwijderd van de stad Christchurch.

Sociale media berichten dat er dichtbij het epicentrum in Cheviot schade is gemeld. Deze plaats ligt 80 kilometer ten noordoosten van Christchurch. Over gewonden wordt niet gerept.

Een aardbeving met een kracht van 6,3 in de regio veroorzaakte in Christchurch in februari 2011 185 doden en vele honderden gewonden en er werden 10.000 panden zwaar beschadigd. In februari dit jaar beefde Christchurch opnieuw, maar toen was er alleen materiële schade.

Aldus de Telegraaf.


Op de site van NOAA wordt nu gemeld dat de beving een kracht had van 7,9

Event Magnitude :  7.9

Event Depth :  6.2 Mi. 

Event Lat :  42.8 ° S

Event Lon :  173.4 ° E


Hier de site van Geonet (Nieuw-Zeeland) met de laatste registratie-bevingen:


Up to date-berichten worden ook via de hieronder vermelde link bijgehouden:

Here's the full police press release on a potential death:

Police continue to work with other emergency services and support communities in response to the earthquake which occurred just after midnight.

One casualty has been reported at a collapsed property in Kaikoura. Police are also trying to access a property at Mt Lyford north of Christchurch where a further casualty has been reported, which is believed to be a fatality.

Police districts in the North and South Island are working with fire and civil defence to check areas where damage has occurred.

Wellington City Council has advised people not to travel into the city this morning.

Police warn that anyone who does intend coming into the city could experience delays on the motorway as train services are currently suspended. Some roads in the city may not be accessible, and diversions may be in place.

Police urge everyone in the affected areas to continue to listening to advice from the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, as well as local Civil Defence services.

Police expect to have a fuller picture of the situation as it gets light.

The Police 111 service is working normally for anyone who wishes to report an emergency. 

Tsunami threat has been downgraded. People in green and white areas on the map can return home. Land threat remains for blue areas. #eqnz

Police are reporting the following:
One casualty has been reported at a collapsed property in Kaikoura. Police are also trying to access a property at Mt Lyford north of Christchurch where a further casualty has been reported, which is believed to be a fatality.

In Blenheim, RNZ reporter Tracy Neal says she tried to get into Seddon but there are roadblocks in place. Civil Defence officials had told her about the train trapped near Kaikoura, which was likely to be a freight train.

17:48 by Megan Whelan 
The Civil Defence controller in Marlborough says there are reports of a train trapped north of Kaikoura as a result of the quake. Richard McNamara says helicopters will be sent at first light to check the area. He says there's also a relief driver in the area they've not yet been able to make contact with

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