Sneeuwchaos in Stockholm - hevigste sneeuwval in November sedert 111 jaar.

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In met name Stockholm (Zweden) is door de hevigste sneeuwval in November, sedert 111 jaar,  een chaos ontstaan.

Stockholm had its snowiest November day in 111 years
The Swedish capital had more snow than on any November day in a century.

Stockholm was covered by at least 30 centimetres of snow early on Thursday morning, more than on any other November day since records began in 1905, according to national weather agency SMHI.

The previous November record was in 1985 and 2004 when the snow was 29 centimetres thick (however, that does not even come close to the all-time record for Stockholm: 76 centimetres in March 1909).

"In the morning around 21 centimetres had fallen. During the day another 15 to 20 centimetres fell," SMHI meteorologist Elisabeth Saarnak told Aftonbladet on Wednesday.

On Thursday morning at 7am the snow was 39 centimetres thick at SMHI's weather station in Stockholm.

he sudden snowfall – brilliantly known as a 'snow cannon' in Swedish – created huge problems for many commuters on Wednesday. Many buses across the capital and beyond were cancelled, and drivers were forced to abandon their cars on the motorway. Several reported being stuck in their cars for ten hours.

In the Järfälla suburb of Stockholm, public transport operator Nobina replaced their buses with boats taking passengers from Klara Mälarstrand in central Stockholm to Jakobsberg and Kallhäll.

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