World Wide Lightning Location Network (

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World Wide Lightning Location Network (

where you will find amazing an amazing new visualization of global lightning
(which works on modern versions of Firefox, Google Chrome and IE 11 or higher.)

University of Washington in Seattle operating a network of lightning location sensors at VLF (3-30 kHz). Most ground-based observations in the VLF band are dominated by impulsive signals from lightning discharges called "sferics". Significant radiated electromagnetic power exists from a few hertz to several hundred megahertz, with the bulk of the energy radiated at VLF.

With our network of sferic sensors we are producing regular maps of lightning activity over the entire Earth. Our map showing the entire world uses coloured spots to indicate lightning strokes (red stars inside an open circle are active WWLLN lightning sensor locations).  Click on the map for explanation.

The WWLLN Management Team, lead by Prof Robert Holzworth of the University of Washington produced these data and images with the cooperation of the universities and institutes which host the stations as listed below.

Wideband VLF spectrograms from all WWLLN stations are available this link or by clicking on the station name below.
We currently have over 70 sensors around the globe to detect sferic activity in the VLF band, listed below in the order of their establishment:

Lightning activity for Earth
Lightning stroke positions are shown as coloured dots which "cool down" from blue for the most recent (occurring within the last 10 min) through green and yellow to red for the oldest (30-40 minutes earlier).
Red asterisks in white circles are active WWLL lightning sensor locations. The terminator (day-night boundary) is shown, with the daylit section of the globe in grey.
(also see WWLL map with superimposed cloud viewed by satellite Americas  or  Europe/Africa ) or  East Asia/Indonesia  )
(Thanks to National Weather Service/Aviation Weather Center for images of cloud cover).




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