Cleveland Vulkaan - activiteit van uitbarstingen sinds zat. 4 mei na explosies

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Alaska's Cleveland Vulkaan ondergaat uitbarstingen na een explosie zaterdagochtend vroeg, hebben wetenschappers van de Alaska Volcano Observatory en de US Geological Survey gezegd.
De activiteit begon met een explosie om 05:00 uur op zaterdag, gevolgd door twee anderen om 09:17 en 11:44 uur.

Zie verder:
Satellite and webcam data suggest continuous low-level emissions of gas, steam, and minor amounts of ash over the past several hours with a faint plume extending eastward below 15,000 ft. Satellite data also show highly elevated surface temperatures at the summit.

Sudden explosions of blocks and ash are possible with little or no warning. Ash clouds, if produced, could exceed 20,000 feet above sea level. If a large ash-producing event occurs, nearby seismic, infrasound, or volcanic lightning networks should alert AVO staff quickly. However, for some events, a delay of several hours is possible. Cleveland Volcano does not have a local seismic network and is monitored using only distant seismic and infrasound instruments and satellite data.

AVO will continue to monitor the volcano and issue additional information as available.

Webcam Cleveland vulkaan:

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