Internationale Wolkenatlas (Manual Observation of Clouds and other Meteors)

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Er is een nieuwe - digitale - internationale wolkenatlas uitgebracht door World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) .

International Cloud Atlas
Manual on the Observation of Clouds and Other Meteors
(WMO-No. 407)

Welcome to the official site of the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) International Cloud Atlas.
This Atlas describes the classification system for clouds and meteorological phenomena used by all WMO Members.
The classifications also describe meteorological meteors other than clouds – hydrometeors, lithometeors, photometeors, and electrometeors.

The Atlas provides a common language to communicate cloud observations, and ensures consistency in reporting by observers around the world. It serves as a training tool for meteorologists, as well as for those working in aeronautical and maritime environments, and it has become popular with weather enthusiasts and cloud spotters.

We hope this website inspires you to become even more enthusiastic about observing clouds and all atmospheric phenomena.

Cloud classification aids for CL, CM and CH (Section 2.8.4) The graphical method of coding represents the same order/priorities to be respected as the described coding instructions (Figure 10, Figure 11 and Figure 12). Start at the top left corner and answer each question until you reach a cartoon of a cloud or a sky view. If this situation corresponds to the reality, then report the code figure on the right-hand bottom of the cartoon. If not, start again at the beginning to find your observed sky, respecting the priorities.

(a) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Cumulonimbus calvus, with or without Cumulus, Stratocumulus or Stratus.
(b) EXPLANATION (i) The principal characteristic of calvus is that the summits of the Cumulonimbus lack sharp outlines and none of the Cumulonimbus present have yet reached the stage of Cumulonimbus capillatus.
(ii) Cumulonimbus calvus evolve from Cumulus congestus and usually develop rapidly into Cumulonimbus capillatus. Cumulonimbus calvus generally constitutes a very short term intermediate stage of development. (iii) They are distinguished from Cumulus congestus by the at least partial disappearance of clear-cut outlines and cauliflower appearance, both of which are characteristic of the upper part of Cumulus congestus. (iv) They are distinguished from Cumulonimbus capillatus by no portion of their upper part having a clearly fibrous or striated appearance, or any development in the form of an anvil, a plume or a mass of hair. (v) The smooth part of a Cumulonimbus calvus may become hidden by new domes produced by other convective updrafts. Although the cloud mass may temporarily assume the appearance of Cumulus congestus, it is still to be identified as Cumulonimbus calvus and coded CL = 3. (vi) Sometimes, a cloud identified as Cumulus congestus is accompanied by lightning, thunder or hail.
The cloud is identified as Cumulonimbus calvus and coded CL = 3.

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